I offer pitching and hitting baseball instruction for all levels and infuse it with good ole' life lessons.
I actually don't know how you can have one without the other. I enjoy the technical part of pitching and hitting mechanics and we may do a deep dive at times as I teach you how to become your own coach. But, it's about stepping outside your comfort zone and fighting through the adversity of breaking old habits and coming out the other side completely transformed. I like to have fun, but make no mistake.... I want to produce high performing pitchers and hitters.
For pitching we will delve into key elements such as tempo, balance, using the lower half of the body, but also explore ball flight metrics (spin rate, release angle and velocity). For hitting, we will get into elements such as timing, balance, hip/shoulder separation and exit velocity. Baseball has certainly changed in some ways from they days when I played and that is a good thing. It's possible to actually DEVELOP players because of the information and technology that exists now. However, some things have NOT changed and one of those is that you can't replace heart, desire and simply working your butt off towards a big goal. By blending new and old, I feel like I can help all players reach their goals.