Wisdom from a MLB Scout
Ron Rizzi, the Mid Atlantic Scouting Supervisor for the Milwaukee Brewers at the time, spoke to us at the conclusion of an invitation only tryout. I was probably about 18 at the time.
He shared wisdom and sage advice that has stuck with me ever since.
I'm sure the exact details are off, but as I remember it, it went something like this.
"First of all, congratulations for being here because that shows you have some talent that has caught my eye. We are looking for the best of the best. However, I hate to break it to you boys, but the news isn't good. You're what...18, 19 years old? I'm sure all of you dream of making the MLB right? Bad news...MAYBE one or two of you will be lucky enough to play professional ball (minors) and that's a big maybe. From there your chances get even slimmer of seeing the MLB. It's nearly impossible I tell ya. However, that's really not what it's all about in the end.
If you play after high school you should consider yourself very, very fortunate. Most kids hang their spikes up at that point, because "life" cuts them. Sure, some might play junior college and a couple others might get to play Division 3 ball, but anything above that is really is a stretch I hate to say. I'm not saying this to dash your hopes and dreams though and feel free to prove me wrong. A lot has to happen to do more than that..
Now having said all that...you need to have dreams. BIG dreams. Keep busting your butt. Work hard. Get an education and be grateful you got to play this great sport of baseball at all. Because, one day, when you get old like me, you'll look back and realize this great sport provided you with so many great memories, life long friendships and having learned so many life lessons along the way over the years and that is what's its truly about. You don't understand what I'm talking about, I know. Because you're young and dumb, like I was at your age! All you have on your mind is going pro and making the Big Leagues. But that's the truth, I'm telling ya.
So, when your time comes (and it will here soon) when somebody takes that jersey from you and you are forced to hang up your spikes....do me a favor. Look back at your career, what the game gave you and be grateful. Because, it was still all well worth it in the end".
Wow. How true.